A Project of IVLP Impact Awards

Yasin Nadr Rahman

Yasin Nadr Rahman

Bakhymir Mordana, Halabja Province 

Mobile: 00964(0)7506547877                                                           

E-mail: nadryasin@yahoo.com

I was born in 1985. I completed my primary, secondary and high school education in Iran. I obtained a diploma in that country. Then, I obtained a bachelor's degree in Kurdish from Salahaddin University, College of Language department.

I have translated from Kurdish to Persian for Saya Zindagi magazine. I started my first experimental journalism in 2001 in Iran, 2007 as an academic and official experience; I worked in the political, social and cultural sections of Kurdistan Report for two years. I have also written political and social commentary articles for various websites such as Awene, Hawlati, Standard, Khandan, Sharpress, Wosha Net and some other websites.

Later, I published journalistic articles in newspapers such as Aso, Kurdistan Report, BasNews and Aso disabled magazine.

I have been working as a reporter, translator and journalist for Sharpress for many years. However, I serve Halabja region and its surroundings on social media and Facebook as an admin of two pages, Rudaw and Halabja News.

I have six books: Irfani Shamsi Tabriz, My Man or Calf, Encyclopedia of Self-Knowledge, Questioning Saddam, Power Five, The Secret of Success in Exams and Life, and Have a Rich Financial Mind.

Current jobs: Sharpress Digital Media Reporter.

Facebook: Yasin Nadr Rahman

Instagram: Yasin Nadr Rahman
